Puppy Solutions

Have you got the puppy blues?

Your puppy seems to have changed from a cute fluffy bundle to a whirling dirvish in the time it's taken you to say "I've got a new puppy"

Our Puppy Solutions is here to help with a 1 hour online session with our puppy expert.

Whether your pup is using you as a chew toy, using your new rug as a bathroom or bouncing off the walls every time your favourite TV programme comes on, we're here to help.

£40 (including a £10 off coupon for our Life Skills Puppy or Junior courses)

online dog training

Online Learning Course

GOOD DOG – LEVEL 1 is an online course to teach your dog all the skills necessary to thrive. Whilst dogs have been bred to live with us for many, many years we can’t discount the fact they were once wild scavengers and still enjoy hobbies like bin raiding, people drag racing and legging it after squirrels!

Dogs don’t come knowing the key skills needed to be a good boy or girl and just like young children, they need to be taught to show them the way.